5 Common Mistakes to Avoid with Your DICAS Personal Statement
Writing your DICAS personal statement can be one of the most challenging aspects of the dietetic internship application process. It can be hard to know exactly what each program wants to know, which is why we have created the Komplete Personal Statement Guide.
Our free guide will help you write a standout personal statement without the stress. You can download our free guide here.
And if you aren’t sure if this is the right guide for you, we’re sharing the top five common mistakes we see with the DICAS personal statement and exactly what you can do to avoid them.
Mistake #1 - Speaking in cliches or really generic terms.
We have read hundreds of personal statements and we’ve read some variation of this sentence countless times “I am passionate about helping others improve their health with nutrition.”
To avoid sounding like everyone else, get specific with your vision and dream. Who do you want to help? What specifically interests you in nutrition? And which specific career areas are you interested in?
Having a “passion for nutrition” is far too broad. Are you interested in food product development, nutrition communications, fitness, etc.? Being specific will help you stand out!
Hint: For KBDI, we want to know why you are interested in a business and leadership-focused dietetic internship program.

Mistake # 2 Treating your DICAS personal statement like a resume.
Your personal statement should connect the dots between your experiences and how they have prepared you to be successful in a dietetic internship. Make sure that you explain the impact of these experiences and your specific accomplishments.
For example, if you have taught cooking classes, what professional skills did you develop during this role?
If you volunteered with the food bank, what specifically did you work on and how did that improve or grow your skills? We’re less interested in your ability to deliver meals and more interested in what professional skills or soft skills you developed.
Sharing a short story would also be a great approach.
“As a volunteer with the local food bank, I honed my skills in problem-solving and communication when we encountered a pest issue with our supply of rice. I quickly scanned the food bank, identified an alternative ingredient, and led the last minute production of a new recipe.”
Mistake #3 - Failing to address weaknesses or red flags.
At KBDI, we truly look at the entire candidate, but the application doesn’t always show the full story. If you struggled academically in your freshman year, it’s best to address this in your personal statement instead of hoping that the reviewers won’t notice your grades (we will notice!).
If you weren’t able to complete volunteer work because you had to work full-time to support yourself during college, address this in your personal statement.
Don’t use this as an opportunity to make excuses, but rather to show how you have overcome barriers in your journey to becoming a dietitian.

Mistake #4 - Using the same personal statement for every DICAS application.
While you can use the same general personal statement, make sure that you tailor each personal statement to the specific program!
We can’t tell you how many times we’ve read a personal statement that does not even acknowledge our business emphasis or the specific questions that we ask applicants to answer.
We sometimes even get applications with a totally different program listed. Proofread your personal statement several times to catch these mistakes.

Mistake #5 - A lot of grammar mistakes.
Mistake #5 A lot of grammar mistakes.
Your DICAS personal statement should be very polished and reflective of your best work. You should plan on reviewing your final draft several times, spaced out over a few days.
We recommend the following strategies:
- Use Grammarly to catch simple and advanced Grammar errors
- Read your personal statement out loud several times
- Read your personal statement from the bottom to top
- Have a close friend or family member review your personal statement
- Hire a coach or work with your campus writing center for feedback
*Avoid having too many provide feedback as it can get confusing when they have conflicting advice. At the end of the day, it is your story to tell and you get to choose how you want to present your experience in your personal statement.
Your DICAS Personal Statement should showcase what makes you unique!
Give yourself plenty of time to write your DICAS personal statement. The creative brainstorming and writing process usually goes best if you’re not rushed or stressed.
The good news is that you can slowly work on your personal statement by breaking it down into sections. If you want all of our tips and tricks for writing a standout personal statement, download our free personal statement guide today!
Don’t forget to check out our other blog posts for DICAS tips:
How to get letters of recommendation for dietetic internships
If you have any questions about your personal statement or your DICAS application, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re happy to support you on your journey to becoming a registered dietitian.