Six Networking Strategies to Secure Preceptors for a Dietetic Internship
Six Networking Strategies to Secure Preceptors for a Dietetic Internship
One of the many benefits of a distance dietetic internship is the opportunity to design your own internship experience. Interns are encouraged to select rotation sites that most closely align with his or her interests. While it can be challenging to secure preceptors for a dietetic internship, we're confident that with the right strategy and persistence, you too will be successful with designing the internship of your dreams.Today we'll be covering six networking strategies to secure preceptors for a dietetic internship program.
1. Put the word out to family, friends and neighbors.
Does your best friend’s dad’s sister work as a dietitian at a hospital? As obscure as the connection sounds, people are more willing to say yes if they have a personal connection. Let everyone know that you are looking for rotation sites and ask if they know anyone in the healthcare sector that might be able to help. Instead of asking...