Six Networking Strategies to Secure Preceptors for a Dietetic Internship

Six Networking Strategies to Secure Preceptors for a Dietetic Internship

Six Networking Strategies to Secure Preceptors for a Dietetic Internship One of the many benefits of a distance dietetic internship is the opportunity to design your own internship experience. Interns are encouraged to select rotation sites that most closely align with his or her interests. While it can be challenging to secure preceptors for a dietetic internship, we're confident that with the right strategy and persistence, you too will be successful with designing the internship of your dreams.Today we'll be covering six networking strategies to secure preceptors for a dietetic internship program.  1. Put the word out to family, friends and neighbors. Does your best friend’s dad’s sister work as a dietitian at a hospital? As obscure as the connection sounds, people are more willing to say yes if they have a personal connection. Let everyone know that you are looking for rotation sites and ask if they know anyone in the healthcare sector that might be able to help. Instead of asking...
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Top Six Podcasts for Dietetic Interns

Top Six Podcasts for Dietetic Interns

The Top Six Podcasts for Dietetic Interns It's no secret that the KBDI loves listening to podcasts. Today we're sharing the top six podcasts for Dietetic Interns that are just starting out on their internship journey. 1. Application Insider If you're just starting out on your search for a dietetic internship, we highly recommend the Application Insider Podcast. Nicole Vance is a former dietetic internship director and now runs her own DI coaching business at . Nicole provides helpful tips on how to navigate the DICAS process and write an award-winning Personal Statement. Check out Episode 48 for our interview with Application Insider at or watch the video below. 2. 40 Something & Interning Podcast Host and Current KBDI Dietetic Intern, Danielle Smiley, takes you through her journey as a non-traditional dietetic intern. In the first season of her podcast, Danielle shares the highs and lows of her own journey. In the second season, Danielle interviews other dietetic interns from programs all over the country. It's a...
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Is a Distance Dietetic Internship Right for You?

Is a Distance Dietetic Internship Right for You?

Is a Distance Dietetic Internship Right for You?  A distance dietetic internship is one of the many different pathways to becoming a registered dietitian. A distance DI program provides flexibility and a custom internship experience that you might not find in other options. But is a distance dietetic internship right for you?  A distance DI program brings some unique challenges and experiences that may not be the best fit for everyone.  Ask yourself the following questions to discover if a distance dietetic internship is the right choice for you. Are you self-directed, motivated and proactive?   With a distance program, you are responsible for securing your own rotations. This is often one of the biggest challenges of a distance program. It is not uncommon to hear a lot of “no’s” before you find a good fit. But with persistence and a good sales pitch, all of our past interns have secured rotation sites and we're confident you'll be successful too. Furthermore, once you’re matched to...
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KBDI: the inside scoop from a current intern

KBDI: the inside scoop from a current intern

For many aspiring dietitians, the dietetic internship can appear daunting. We understand! You study for years in order to get to the place where you’re finally ready to take the next step towards becoming a certified RDN. The 1,200 hours of supervised dietetic practice will certainly prepare you well for your professional career, but what will prepare you now? Today, we’re getting the inside scoop from current KBDI intern, Callie Austin! Callie completed her Bachelor's degree in California at UC Davis in Clinical Nutrition. She went on to acquire her Master’s degree in Public Health Nutrition in England at the University of Chester. Now halfway into the internship, Callie has provided us some invaluable insight into the day-to-day life of a KBDI intern! Check out the questions that Callie tackled during her interview. Why did you decide to pursue a distance dietetic internship? Why did you feel like KBDI was the best internship fit for you and your professional goals? ...
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How to Stay Organized During Your Dietetic Internship

How to Stay Organized During Your Dietetic Internship

You’ve done it! You’ve just gotten into the dietetic internship of your dreams and are excited to start your rotations, meet your fellow interns, and learn everything you need to know about becoming an RD. But you may be thinking… How am I going to balance all the work and responsibilities that come with being a dietetic intern? From day one you are expected to be your biggest advocate, stay organized, and take ownership of your journey to passing the RD exam. It can all be overwhelming at times! Don’t worry, you’ve got this! To help you on your journey to become an RD, we have put together our top tips on how to stay organized during your dietetic internship. Our tips will help even the busiest intern succeed during their dietetic rotations. How to Prepare Before Your Internship The weeks leading up to orientation are going to fly by, so what do you need to do during this time to prepare for your...
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How to Pass the RD Exam

How to Pass the RD Exam

How to Pass the RD Exam You finished your university courses, completed your dietetic internship, now all that’s left is to pass the RD exam. But where do you start? And what’s the best way to study? We want to help guide you through these common questions with tips on how to pass the RD exam- from dietitians that have done it! When and How to Start Studying Sign up. Find a Pearson VUE test center and schedule your exam by going to this website. Once you get the verification statement from your internship or coordinated program, sign up right away. Registered Dietitian Charita James advises that you take the exam soon after completing your internship when everything is still fresh in your mind. Another tip she gave was to schedule the exam for the time that works best for you. Don’t schedule your exam for the afternoon if you are a morning person! Start early. There is a lot of material on the exam...
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The “why” behind the KBDI

The “why” behind the KBDI

Hear from our Director, Beryl Krinsky, about why she is passionate about the KBDI (and B.Komplete).  Who knew you could be a "food critic" beginning at age 2?! Learn more about B.Komplete Prospective Intern Information Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin...
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How to Apply for a Dietetic Internship

How to Apply for a Dietetic Internship

How to Apply for a Dietetic Internship Are you ready to take a critical step in becoming a Registered Dietitian? Let’s talk about how to apply for a dietetic internship! Do Your Research Before applying, do your research and navigate internship websites for programs of interest to you.  Talk to as many Registered Dietitians as you can and ask them about their internship experience.  Use LinkedIn to connect with Registered Dietitians and current Dietetic Interns - this is a great way to network and learn more about internship programs.  Reach out to Program Directors and schedule calls and attend Open Houses.  After you understand as much as you can about the internships and their requirements you can determine if a dietetic internship is right for you - and which ones you want to apply for! Then make notes of the required documentation you will need for a specific internship. Create a DICAS Account To start the application process, you will need to visit the online...
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How to Prepare for your Dietetic Rotations

How to Prepare for your Dietetic Rotations

How to Prepare for your Dietetic Rotations Your dietetic internship is approaching and there’s definitely a lot to look forward to. You are probably wondering exactly how to prepare for your dietetic rotations so that you can have the best experience possible. You may be feeling overwhelmed and excited- which is pretty normal. Follow our tips and pointers below so that you know exactly what to expect on your internship journey. Now you can let go of some of your uncertainty and focus on the excitement ahead! Preparing for your dietetic internship & rotations Successfully preparing for your internship rotations is a must-do and will help you feel more comfortable going into your first day at your rotation site. But how do you prepare well?  Our favorite tips to get you ready for day one of your rotation are… Review topics. Brush up on terms and concepts related to the rotation you will be at. Jot down a list of questions to ask your preceptor...
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