How to Pass the RD Exam
You finished your university courses, completed your dietetic internship, now all that’s left is to pass the RD exam. But where do you start? And what’s the best way to study?
We want to help guide you through these common questions with tips on how to pass the RD exam- from dietitians that have done it!
When and How to Start Studying
Sign up. Find a Pearson VUE test center and schedule your exam by going to this website. Once you get the verification statement from your internship or coordinated program, sign up right away. Registered Dietitian Charita James advises that you take the exam soon after completing your internship when everything is still fresh in your mind. Another tip she gave was to schedule the exam for the time that works best for you. Don’t schedule your exam for the afternoon if you are a morning person!

Start early. There is a lot of material on the exam (everything you learned in your didactic program and internship) but don’t panic! If you give yourself enough time to study, you will be well prepared. A good plan would be to review your study materials all throughout your internship. When you have about 6 – 8 weeks until your exam, really buckle down and get serious with your studying!
Make a schedule. When you finally sit down to start studying, all of the material you need to review may seem daunting. Not to mention, it’s hard (and not really effective) to stay focused on studying for hours each day or even find time to study if you are finishing up your internship. This is where a study schedule may come in handy. Charita’s strategy was to print out all the topics you need to know from the CDR website and break everything down into the 4 domains of the exam. That helped her decide whether 6 weeks would be enough time for her to study and how to go about it. Here are some tips for creating a study schedule that works for you:
- Determine the best times for you to study and block out 45-60 minute increments to dedicate to exam prep.
- Schedule at least 10-20 minute breaks between study sessions to prevent burnouts. Don’t try to power through if your brain is not having it!
- Have a plan for what information to study or what materials you want to use each day.
- Spend extra time on material you are struggling with.

Ways to Study for the RD Exam
There are many materials and techniques used to study for the RD exam. It is important to remember that everyone learns differently, so find what works for you. And don’t reinvent the wheel! You’ve already spent many years in school studying, so you know what studying techniques work best for you.
Some of the most common include:
- Study apps: Pocket Prep was Charita’s starting point for exam prep. She downloaded the app at the beginning of her internship and because the app breaks down your strengths and weaknesses, she knew what areas she wanted to focus on during her internship.
- Flash cards: We recommend making your own so that the material really sticks!
- Youtube Videos: Kim Rose Dietitian & The Khan Academy are helpful for nutrition concepts
- Facebook groups such as the RD Exam Prep can be helpful if you get stumped on a question
- Mnemonic devices: Charita suggests using these to help remember formulas and information that tends to get jumbled up after studying so much.
- Any materials provided by your internship
- Accountability buddies are also really beneficial because they help you commit to studying and allow you to quiz each other.
- Study guides:
- Pass the Exam Prep from All Access Dietetics
- RD Exam One and Done– An extensive course with practice questions & accountability
- Jean Inman’s Study Guide – this doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s a great outline.
Know your learning style
Research shows that active learning is key to retaining information. Reading through pages and pages of notes is just boring and not the best way to make information stick. The best example of active learning when studying for your RD exam prep is to practice taking the exam as if it were the real thing. This exam really challenges your critical thinking skills, so it is important to get used to the types of questions you will be asked. Yes, studying the questions is almost as important as studying the material! However, you shouldn’t just race through practice exam questions. Make sure you understand why you got them right or wrong and why the other answers are incorrect.

Rather than focusing on reading notes, schedule time to:
- Draw diagrams
- Quiz yourself
- Talk it out
- Summarize it
- Record what you are struggling to learn and listen to the recording (when you drive, shower, clean etc)
These active learning tips will help you CRUSH your RD exam goals!!

Other Study Tips to Pass the RD Exam
- Stay positive: Keeping a positive mindset is key to be powering through the tough days.
- Your mantra: Create a mantra that you will use to help motivate and inspire you! Our favorites are: “I got this!” “I will crush this exam!” “I am going to make an awesome RDN!”
- Manage stress: Whether it be listening to music, meditating, exercising, or watching your favorite netflix show, do things that help you relax and destress so you can be extra productive during your study sessions. Even a quick breath exercise can make a big difference. Check out our mindfulness and laughter blog posts to learn techniques on how to manage your stress!
- Do not over study: Yes, it is possible to over study! This is why scheduling breaks is so important.
- Do not try to memorize everything: Only memorize key formulas and lab values, while focusing on understanding concepts.
What to Expect on Test Day
Once you make it to test day, you’ll most likely be very nervous and feel as if all the information you’ve been studying the past few months leaked out of your head overnight. Just remember- you’ve made it this far and there is just one one exam (that you have prepared extremely well for!) standing between you and your dream of becoming a registered dietitian.
Charita offers an overview of what you can expect on test day: You will not be able to bring anything into the testing site (phone, food, etc) and will have to place it in a locker. They will check your ID before leading you to an assigned station with barriers. You will be given a white board and marker for notes because you cannot bring in scrap paper. Charita wrote down all of the formulas on this before starting, in addition to her name with RDN afterwards because confidence is key!
Here are some other exam day tips!
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Eat a fueling breakfast
- Do not keep studying: Charita says “Your brain needs time to absorb the information you study and if you overwork it, you won’t retain information as well.”
- Take your time and don’t rush!
- Use the bathroom before your exam so you don’t lose anytime after you press start.
- Maybe get a little movement in to help calm your nerves: walking, stretching, yoga, etc
- Celebrate when it’s over!

One of the most important things Charita emphasized for the RD exam is confidence. She says that you will never feel 100% ready, but feeling confident is vital. When you go in to take your exam, do what Charita did and say to yourself “I am leaving here as a Registered Dietitian!”
How KBDI helps you pass the RD Exam
At the Komplete Business Dietetic Internship we help our interns prepare for the exam starting right at orientation. We give lots of materials and guidance that will make studying feel less overwhelming. You will come out of the internship feeling prepared and confident as you take the final step towards your dream!
Our recommendations for our favorite study resources change each season, but we will do the research for you! We provide an extensive RD Exam Workshop so that you know exactly how to prepare for the RD exam.
If you want more inspiration stories about KBDI graduates that have recently pass the exam, check out our Instagram account!