Five Tips to Optimize your Nutrition for the RD Exam
The RD Exam can feel like a marathon and like long races, nutrition can make a big impact on your ability to perform at your best. Discover our top five tips to optimize your nutrition for the RD Exam.
Just like counseling clients on their nutrition strategy for big events, it’s important to focus on your own nutrition strategy for exam day.
Many interns are surprised to learn that you cannot bring water or snacks into the exam room. You’ll be able to store water and snacks in a locker at the exam site, but the clock will not stop if you need to take a snack break.
Plan ahead for your exam day nutrition strategy by reading our top 5 tips to optimize your nutrition for the RD Exam.

1. Fuel like it's an endurance event.
The RD Exam will take approximately 3 hours to complete (30 minutes for the orientation and up to 2.5 hours for the exam). When you consider the drive time to the site and arriving early, you’ll need to make sure you’re appropriately fueled for a 4 hour event. Eat a balanced meal consisting of protein, fat and carbohydrates 1-2 hours before the exam. Pack a small snack for the car ride just in case you feel hungry right before the exam.
Make sure that you don’t overlook this key element of optimizing your nutrition for the RD Exam. You have to have FUEL to pass the exam.
2. Consume your normal amount of caffeine.

Exam day is not a good time to experiment with your caffeine intake. Consume your normal amount of caffeine, but be mindful of how it affects you when you’re nervous or anxious. You might find that your tolerance for caffeine is lower than normal and you might need to cut back slightly. Make sure that you give yourself plenty of time between your caffeine consumption and the exam, especially if caffeine acts like a diuretic for you.
3. Stick to familiar foods the day before and day of the exam.
Nerves and anxiety tend to decrease appetite and increase GI symptoms like bloating, diarrhea and stomach upset. It is best to stick to familiar foods the day before and the day of the exam so that you don’t have any unpleasant surprises. Avoid the temptation to try new snack bars, new dinner entrees, etc., especially if you have a sensitive stomach. Bring snack foods that you know that you can eat even if you don’t have much of an appetite.

4. Focus on hydration the day before the exam.
Unfortunately water bottles are not allowed in the exam room. Focus on adequate hydration the day before the exam. If you have a fun relaxing day planned before the exam, make sure that you have a hydration strategy. If you do find yourself thirsty during the exam, you can leave the exam room, but note that the clock does not stop.

5. Pack a snack or meal for after the exam.
After using all of your brain power to pass the RD exam, you will be exhausted and likely very hungry. After all, you’ve likely gone 3-4 hours without food! Make sure that you pack a snack or meal for the drive home or plan on treating yourself on your way out to celebrate!

Your Nutrition for the RD Exam Can help you pass!
And there you have it- our top five tips to optimize your nutrition for the RD Exam.
If you’re looking for more tips about the RD exam, check out our blog post:
And if you want to read more inspirational accounts of our KBDI graduates passing the RD Exam, check out our Instagram account.
After putting in all of the hours into studying, it’s important to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself and your mental energy too. A nutrition strategy that focuses on adequate fuel for exam day will help you feel your best so that you can perform your best!