Six Networking Strategies to Secure Preceptors for a Dietetic Internship
One of the many benefits of a distance dietetic internship is the opportunity to design your own internship experience. Interns are encouraged to select rotation sites that most closely align with his or her interests. While it can be challenging to secure preceptors for a dietetic internship, we’re confident that with the right strategy and persistence, you too will be successful with designing the internship of your dreams.
Today we’ll be covering six networking strategies to secure preceptors for a dietetic internship program.
1. Put the word out to family, friends and neighbors.

2. Leverage your professional network.

3. Join local, regional and national Facebook Groups to secure preceptors for a dietetic internship.
Search Facebook to see if your local chapter of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has an active Facebook group. Ask permission to make a post requesting preceptors. Make sure that you are specific with your request. Include details such as the rotation type, the location, the number of weeks and whether it will be in person or virtual. Your post will stand out if you include a short introduction and a picture.
Other larger Facebook groups include:
RD & RD2Be Facebook Community The Unconventional RD Community
4. Reach out to recent or current dietetic interns in your area.

5. Pursue your LinkedIn network for connections.
If you aren’t already using LinkedIn, now is the time to start. Update your profile with a professional photo and make sure that your resume is current. Befriend every professional and personal connection that you can find. Once they accept your request, send a message to let them know you are searching for dietetic preceptors. LinkedIn will also provide suggestions based on your interests and geographic region. You will easily be able to see if any mutual connections exist. Ask your network to make personal introductions on LinkedIn.
Check out our posts on how to use LinkedIn to your advantage:
4 Ways to Search for Dietetic Preceptors on LinkedIn
Finding Dietetic Preceptors Using LinkedIn
Create an All-Star LinkedIn Profile as a Dietetic Intern
6. Think beyond the field of dietetics.
While it can be challenging to secure preceptors for a dietetic internship, we are confident that you will be successful if you leverage your network and are persistent. Networking is an important skill that will also come in handy when you launch your own business.