How to Pass the RD Exam
How to Pass the RD Exam
You finished your university courses, completed your dietetic internship, now all that’s left is to pass the RD exam. But where do you start? And what’s the best way to study?
We want to help guide you through these common questions with tips on how to pass the RD exam- from dietitians that have done it!
When and How to Start Studying
Sign up. Find a Pearson VUE test center and schedule your exam by going to this website. Once you get the verification statement from your internship or coordinated program, sign up right away. Registered Dietitian Charita James advises that you take the exam soon after completing your internship when everything is still fresh in your mind. Another tip she gave was to schedule the exam for the time that works best for you. Don’t schedule your exam for the afternoon if you are a morning person!
Start early. There is a lot of material on the exam...