- Komplete Business Dietetic Internship Overview
KBDI is a distance dietetic internship with an emphasis on business, entrepreneurship, and leadership.
We offer a standalone dietetic internship track (for those who already have a master’s degree or are enrolled in another program) and we also offer MS/DI options including an MBA option.
Starting in the Fall of 2024, we will offer both a part-time and a full-time option (these options are outlined in the second half of this page).
For an overview of each rotation and the requirements, see the separate tabs on the left.
For a quick overview of our program, check out these short videos:
As the KBDI is a distance education program, interns will be required to locate their own supervised practice sites and preceptors.
The program staff can offer all accepted interns an extensive list of potential preceptors and practice locations to help interns secure rotations.
Internship staff will aid students in finding practice locations and preceptors to their best of their ability. However, interns are ultimately responsible for this aspect of the program.
The KBDI provides a thorough curriculum that satisfies all ACEND competencies as well as the KBDI business competencies. All KBDI interns must successfully complete all competencies within the internship period. If any interns are not able to complete the competencies during their rotations they will have to make up this work at different rotations. This could extend the time period for the intern. The rotations may or may not be in the geographic location of the intern, and the intern may need to travel and/or relocate to successfully complete the competencies and fulfill the KBDI and ACEND requirements.
Please note: all rotations (> two days) will require a signed affiliation agreement with the KBDI. Please see the below tab “Affiliation Agreements” for further information.
As it is the responsibility of the distance intern to identify appropriate practice sites and/or preceptors that will enable the intern to fulfill the KBDI curriculum, satisfy the ACEND competencies and meet our program goals and objectives. Interns are responsible for completing the KBDI “Preceptor/Site Identification” Form and emailing to KBDI Faculty and Staff by the following time points:
- Clinical – Form will be submitted with Application to Program.
- Food Service Management – Form will be submitted by or before 30 days before Orientation.
- Community – Form will be submitted by or before 30 days before Orientation.
- Business – Form will be submitted by or before 15 days after Orientation.
- Enrichment – Form will be submitted by or before February 28th of the year marking internship completion.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to locate supervised practice sites and preceptors in the geographic location in which they desire to do supervised practice.
A preceptor is willing to mentor you through the rotations. The preceptor works with you to set up a schedule. He or she will monitor your progress and evaluate your performance using the curriculum and forms from the KBDI internship. A description of the preceptors is given below.
- Clinical MNT preceptor – must be a Registered Dietitian. KBDI prefers this rotation to take place in an acute care, long-term acute care or skilled nursing facility.
- Foodservice management – Either a Registered Dietitian or a Food Service Professional. This rotation may take place in a hospital, long-term care, school lunch, and assisted living.
- Community – a Registered Dietitian working in Retail (Supermarkets), Private Practice, WIC, the Food Bank, School Lunch Program, Colleges/Universities, and more.
- Business – a Registered Dietitian working in Private Practice, Consulting, Corporate Wellness, Industry, Government, and more or another type of professional (may be marking, digital media, public relations, food service, or other) who has at least 3 years of professional and/or management experience and demonstrates continued professional education.
If you are unsure if a preceptor will qualify for your rotation, please contact KBDI for guidance.
Preceptor responsibilities include:
- Work with the intern to schedule learning experiences
- Orient the intern to the facility and rotation
- Mentor the intern and provide frequent supervised learning experiences (may delegate this task)
- Review the curriculum assignments as the intern completes them and evaluate the intern performance using the online forms (may delegate this task)
- Be familiar with and abide by KBDI dietetic internship policies and procedures
- Attend the KBDI preceptor training webinar and complete the post-quiz
- Act as the point of contact for the KBDI faculty and staff
All applicants must submit the KBDI Preceptor Form with the names, addresses, phone numbers, emails and signatures of preceptors (at least 1 from each category). This information is to be submitted in the supplemental application. If the applicant intends to utilize other preceptors and sites during the internship as part of the rotation, these may be submitted after matching.
After matching, the KBDI will execute affiliation agreements with all preceptors and sites. It is the responsibility of the applicant to supply complete names and contact information for all facilities and preceptors where the intern will rotate and complete assignments.
For example, Sarah Smith, who is a private practice dietitian has agreed to supervise your community rotation (you submitted a preceptor form for Sarah with your supplemental application packet). However, you intend to spend two weeks in at a ShopRite where Barbara Blue is the dietitian. After you match, you must submit Barbara Blue’s name and contact information to the KBDI. KBDI will execute an affiliation agreement on your behalf so you can spend two weeks of your community rotation at the Retail Site. This must be done prior to starting the rotation.
Note, if you plan to spend < 2 days at a site but will not complete any assignments there, an affiliation agreement is not required. You will still be under the supervision of the current rotation preceptor as this is part of the current rotation.
As a general guideline, if you spend more than 2 days at a site you will need a separate preceptor form and affiliation agreement.
KBDI Faculty may assign Interns additional rotation sites and/or preceptors that will enable the intern to fulfill any competencies that are not met at the original site. All KBDI interns must successfully complete all competencies within the internship period. If any interns are not able to complete the competencies during their rotations they will have to make up this work at different rotations. This could extend the time period for the intern. The rotations may or may not be in the geographic location of the intern, and the intern may need to travel and/or relocate to successfully complete the competencies and fulfill the KBDI and ACEND requirements. Affiliation agreements will need to be in place for all sites that the KBDI interns are rotating at for more than two days.
At no time will interns act an employee of any facility for which interns are doing rotations. Interns will not advise patients or clients without the supervision of a registered dietitian. Interns will not accept any payment for work done during supervised practice hours.
An acceptable Clinical Site will enable the KBDI intern to successfully complete the KBDI clinical curriculum, satisfy the ACEND competencies and meet our program goals and objectives. Acceptable sites for clinical rotation(s) include acute care hospitals, long term care facilities, long term acute care (LTAC) facilities, and rehabilitation care center. The facility should be a Joint Commission Accredited Hospital and/or Long-Term Care or similar setting for a total of 9 weeks (360 hours total).
If using a Long-Term Care facility for part of your clinical experience, you must have an acute, inpatient hospital experience to satisfy the requirements in the KBDI curriculum. Acute Care should total 4 weeks or 160 hours. Interns also have the option of completing 2 weeks of the 9 weeks at an outpatient clinic (not private practice), diabetes speciality clinic, eating disorder clinic, dialysis center or other speciality clinic.
The clinical rotations will provide interns with diverse experiences in screening and the nutrition care process for various ages and disease conditions (acute and chronic). The clinical rotation will show interns how to integrate nutrition services with other services at the health care facility, integrate nutrition research into clinical practice and facilitate nutrition communication, counseling and education strategies to various populations. It will provide some type of quality assurance education. The clinical rotation will guide the intern on current department and/or facility challenge/s that the KBDI intern can work on for their final clinical business plan (may need to show intern confidential information and/or simulated information).
The facility must have a minimum of one full time Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with at least 1 year of professional experience and demonstrated commitment to continued education to serve as the primary preceptor.
Food Service Management Rotations will enable the KBDI intern to successfully complete the KBDI food service management curriculum, satisfy the ACEND competencies and meet our program goals and objectives. The Food Service Management rotation is 6 weeks (240 hours).
Acceptable sites include health care facilities, such as hospitals, long-term care, assisted living or rehabilitation centers, and school food service. A minimum of 2 weeks should be completed in a facility that offers patient services. Interns may also complete their FSM rotation in non-traditional settings such as a cafe/bakery, meal delivery company, food bank or food resource center. If choosing a non-traditional option, interns are still responsible for working with the preceptor to ensure that all competencies can be met.
The management rotation will show the interns all aspects of food production, distribution and communication. This rotation will give interns experiences in menu modifications to accommodate special dietary needs and provide background in ingredient functionality and usage. Interns will learn how the department/preceptor manages resources, including budget, inventory, facility, and equipment, and assesses sanitation and safety, sustainability of resources, and waste generation. This rotation will expose interns to personnel management, and how to integrate the food service department with other departments. Interns will be provided in-service education assignment/s. This rotation will guide interns on current department and/or facility challenge/s that interns can work on for their final management business plan. This rotation may be completed in one or more facilities.
The preceptors must either be a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with at least 1 year of professional experience and demonstrating continued education or a food service professional who has at least 3 years of professional and/or management experience and demonstrates continued professional education.
Community Rotations will enable the KBDI intern to successfully complete the KBDI community curriculum, satisfy the ACEND competencies and meet our program goals and objectives.
Acceptable sites include WIC or Head Start experiences, outpatient counseling (if not covered in the MNT rotation), public health, dialysis, food banks/resource centers, community garden/education programs, retail settings and other community programs. This rotation is 3 weeks (120 hours).
The rotation must review with interns the background on government agencies and functions, research types and applications, and best practices for counseling within community populations. Interns should review screening criteria at different community nutrition programs to identify at risk clients, as well as how to refer clients to other health services. The rotation should show interns how to apply current research into community nutrition practice and assign projects for interns to develop and/or update nutrition education classes for diverse audiences. The rotation will also review the management of staff/volunteers in the community nutrition program and demonstrate skills in written and oral communication with this group. Must guide the intern on current community and/or facility challenge/s that the KBDI intern can work on for their final community business plan (may need to show intern confidential information and/or simulated information.
The facility must have a minimum of one full time Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with at least 1 year of professional experience and demonstrated commitment to continued education to serve as the primary preceptor.
Business Rotations will enable the KBDI intern to successfully complete the KBDI business curriculum, satisfy the ACEND competencies and meet our program goals and objectives. The business rotations may be in industry, consulting, retail, government, management, corporate wellness, private practice and additional entrepreneurial settings.
The business rotation total time is 7 weeks (280 hours). Interns should have 2 unique business rotation experiences during this time (e.g. 4 weeks in corporate wellness and 3 weeks in industry).
The business rotation must teach the intern business considerations (legal, accounting, managing personnel and resources, etc.) and give the intern opportunities to practice in these areas. The business rotation should make all effort to expose the interns to the psychology in communication, sales and customer service, marketing, website development, social media, and private practice reimbursement and billing. Must guide the intern on current business challenge/s that the KBDI intern can work on for their final site business plan (may need to show intern confidential information and/or simulated information).
The preceptors must either be a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with at least 1 year of professional experience and demonstrating continued education or another type of professional (may be marking, digital media, public relations, food service, or other) who has at least 3 years of professional and/or management experience and demonstrates continued professional education.
With this rotation, interns get to pick a concentration area in any field of nutrition and dietetics and business that they wish to deepen their knowledge and understanding. Interns must submit a proposal and establish which ACEND and/or KBDI learning competencies will be addressed during this rotation. Interns will develop their own goals and objectives for the enrichment rotation. Documentation must be submitted, in writing, to KBDI faculty and staff by February 28th of each year. This rotation is 3 weeks, 40 hours a week for a total of 120 hours.
The preceptors must either be a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with at least 1 year of professional experience and demonstrating continued education or another type of professional (may be marking, digital media, public relations, food service, or other) who has at least 3 years of professional and/or management experience and demonstrates continued professional education.
The Enrichment Rotation must be completed last. The Enrichment Rotation is your culmination experience.
Questions about the acceptability of enrichment sites should be sent to the internship director and assistant director for review.
Affiliation agreements are obtained for all sites that the KBDI interns rotate at for more than two days. The facility’s agreement or KBDI’s agreement may be used, based on the preference of the facility. All agreements are reviewed by the personnel of both parties who have the authority to sign the agreements and signed by those approved individuals. Affiliation agreements are kept on file with KBDI. Affiliation agreements are not required by interns rotating at B.Komplete or sites in which interns are at for two days or fewer.
It is the responsibility of the intern to supply complete names (facility and preceptor name) and contact information (email, telephone, address, and website) for all facilities and preceptors where the intern will rotate and complete assignments. This contact information must be provided using the KBDI site information form to KBDI faculty and staff 90 days before the intern plans to rotate at the site.
KBDI will email our affiliation agreement, the site qualification sheet and rotation competency overview to the preceptor at the facility. The affiliation agreement must be signed by both authorized parties prior to our interns rotating at the site.
When a new supervised practice site is needed, the Assistant Director and/or Director for KBDI will contact the on-site manager to determine if the required competencies can be achieved. Within 2 weeks of starting the rotation, the primary preceptor and intern will be contacted by KBDI to evaluate the adequacy and appropriateness of the facility to meet our curriculum requirements, competencies and learning objectives. Interns have the opportunity to give feedback regarding supervised practice sites on each Rotation Activity and Evaluation Form. Interns complete an end of program survey that each intern completes just prior to graduation.
The Komplete Business Dietetic Internship is a non-academic program, however will still provide the following intern support services listed below. Services that may be offered at rotations will vary according to facility offerings. Interns are responsible for expenses caused by any illness or injury (self-inflicted or not) that occur during working hours at an affiliated facility. Interns must have required insurances.
- KBDI Faculty will provide tutoring and mentoring to enable interns to successfully complete the curriculum, ACEND competencies, and rotations. Tutoring and mentoring may include instruction in writing business plans, rotation specific acumen, study skills, digital acumen, time management, and other subjects.
- KBDI Faculty will provide advice in rotation selection.
- KBDI Faculty will provide education designed to improve the financial and economic literacy of interns.
- KBDI Faculty will provide individual assessments and coaching.
- Technical support for the internship will be provided by the B.Komplete Technical Support Team (Vivarta Solutions, Contact Arijit Rahut).
- B.Komplete Wellness Providers will be paired up with the KBDI Interns for a mentoring program. The B.Komplete Team will counsel interns about how to get set up as an independent contractor and about their background in wellness. B.Komplete Team members can advise the KBDI interns on certain steps in starting a business.
- B.Komplete will provide our interns exposure to corporate wellness events.
- All KBDI interns will be encouraged to use SCORE Resources, attend events, and sign up for a Mentor.
- All KBDI interns will be encouraged to sign up for Talk Space a confidential, online counseling app.
- KBDI Faculty will provide networking connections and community collaboration partners for our interns.
Interns enrolled in the KBDI must have adequate internet access and technological capabilities to meet online course access and participation criteria (for both live and recorded learning experiences). All interns are expected to have sufficient skills and knowledge in the use of computers and associated internet technology to begin KBDI. Computer technology relates to both the hardware and software used in performing common computing tasks. The below standards identify required technology skills. It is expected that incoming interns who do not meet the minimum competency level in any of the technology skill areas will do so within the first 6 weeks of the internship. These skills may be developed in a variety of ways, for example through presentation development, online research, email communication, and financial exercises.
Technology Competence and Skills:
- Word Processing Skills
- Spreadsheets Skills
- Database Skills
- Electronic Presentation Skills
- Web Navigation Skills
- E-Mail Management Skills
- Google Drive Operational Aptitude
- Digital Camera/Video
- File Management & Windows Explorer Skills
- Downloading Software from the Web
- Installing Computer Software onto a Computer System
- Videoconferencing skills
- Scanner Knowledge
Interns are required to secure an internet connection speed that supports real-time online conferencing. A notebook or tablet should not be used as the main device as it does not support the minimum operating system required. Students should not rely on a data account through a cellular service for internet access to complete virtual live class meetings, and internet access should provide a minimum bandwidth of 500 kbps upload and 300 kbps download capability to ensure optimal online learning experiences.
Minimum software required: Word processing, excel spreadsheet, PowerPoint and browser software is needed.
Access to a scanner is required for submission of some supervised practice preceptor evaluations and internship assignments.
A headset with microphone may be required for certain assignments, live classes and other web-based communications.
A personal laptop is not required for use at supervised practice sites but may be helpful if facility computers are not available to the intern. Preceptors are not required to provide interns with computer access during supervised practice hours.
Google programs (gmail, google drive, etc.) will be needed for completing online learning and assignment submission.
The Komplete Business Dietetic Internship (KBDI) participates in the Prior Assessed Learning (PAL) program recognized by the Accrediting Council in Education Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND).
Dietetic internships are striving to meet the growing need for Registered Dietitians; Prior Assessed Learning is an equitable way to allow interns to demonstrate their learning through their life/work experiences. Interns often seek out programs that are willing to work with them to recognize their past experiences, and award credit for their learning. An example may be an intern who has been a dietary manager for 5 years. For supervised practice, credit may be given for work experiences as a manager of a long-term care foodservice operation.
Our Prior Assessed Learning program is designed to grant varying degrees of internship credit in specific rotations of the internship based on the qualified applicant’s learning, as demonstrated through paid work or volunteer experiences. Experiences considered for PAL must meet competencies required by ACEND that are equivalent to an entry-level dietitian. Internship credit is given for learning and gaining knowledge and experience through the work of a professional career. The credit is not for work projects but is given when an intern demonstrates an increase in knowledge and learning. Typically, the individual qualifying for this credit is a “non-traditional” applicant who has already had several years of work experience.
PAL will not be granted as a replacement for any of the didactic portion of the internship (e.g. program assignments or business plans). Experiences submitted for PAL can have taken place before, during and after DPD education. Applicants are encouraged to discuss potential PAL experiences with the Internship Director and Assistant Director prior to preparing and submitting the PAL application materials. There is no “advance PAL” for work that has yet to be completed.
- PAL applications are evaluated only after the intern’s match to the KBDI.
- PAL credit will not exceed 2 weeks or 80 hours.
- The tuition and fees for the Internship will remain the same, regardless of the amount of PAL granted.
- Submission of a request for PAL credit does not guarantee that such credit will be awarded, in full or in part as requested.
- Decisions regarding the awarding of PAL credit are at the sole discretion of the Internship Director and Assistant Director.
Application for PAL credit shall include the following:
- Experiences submitted for PAL evaluation must be classified as by the rotation(s) to which they apply.
- Projects, reports, presentations, and educational materials produced by the applicant which demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills will be evaluated for PAL credit. Job descriptions, performance evaluations, letters from clients, and so on, can be used as supporting documentation of knowledge and skills, as applicable.
These supporting materials shall be clearly labeled as to which experience(s) they are applicable. They must be neatly bound in a folder or portfolio cover. Electronic files are preferred, but the PAL packet must all be in the same format.
All materials must be typewritten. Hand-written materials are not acceptable.
Applicants should indicate which of the ACEND competencies have been met by each experience submitted for evaluation.
Application for PAL credit should be submitted to the Internship Director at the date identified by the program, generally 4 – 6 weeks prior to the start of the internship term. This allows these applications to be evaluated in a timely manner, and applicants informed of credit awarded (if any) prior to the start of the internship term.
Additional documentation / clarification of activities must be provided to the DI Director upon request. Failure to do so in a timely manner may preclude obtaining PAL credit.
Please access a the PAL application form here: https://kbdinternship.com/internship-forms/
- Academic Calendar

- Internship Costs
Interns enrolled in the full-time option will complete supervised practice hours 4 to 5 days a week.
Those enrolled in a Master’s program are required to take Wednesdays off for graduate coursework (this may be waived with the achievement of a 3.5 GPA for 1 semester).
Program Completion Requirements
Interns will be responsible for selecting their own practice rotations from the following framework: 3 weeks community rotation, 9 weeks clinical rotation, 6 weeks food service management rotation, 7 weeks business rotation (should have at least 2 different business rotations), and 3 weeks independent enrichment rotation concluding the internship. Interns will be permitted to select their preferred time frame for each rotation, within the ranges listed above.
To ensure completion of the necessary 1080 supervised practice hours and 40 alternative practice hours, interns will be required to complete a total of 32 – 34 weeks of rotations. Interns will have received “meets” and/or “exceeds” and/or “entry level” on all rotation evaluations, including rotation and curriculum assignments. Interns will have successfully completed their site Business Plans and Final Business Plan. Interns will have presented their final Business Plan to the KBDI Staff and received “meets” and/or “exceeds” on the final.
Interns must also submit their official transcript to show proof of completion of their graduate program before the DI Verification Statement will be awarded.
Starting in the Fall of 2024, we will offer a part-time option for interns. The part-time option allows for interns to complete supervised practice hours 24 hours/week.
The length of the the part-time program will depend on the track option selected by the intern.
Standalone DI Program: ~ 12 months (for those that already have a master’s degree)
MS/DI Program or MBA/DI Program: ~ 18-20 months depending on the program.
Part-Time: Supervised Practice Hours Only
- An intern who wishes to complete the part-time track, supervised practice only will complete at least 24 hours per week of supervised practice.
- This does not include KBDI orientation, class days, or curriculum/coursework homework and personal learning time.
- The expected length of this track is 12 months. Interns have a maximum of 18 months to complete this option.
- If an intern must extend the time past 18 months, an additional $1,000 per month will be due to the internship.
Part-Time: Supervised Practice Hours + Master’s Degree Coursework
- An intern who wishes to complete the part-time track + master’s degree coursework will complete 24 hours per week of supervised practice and at least 8 hours per week of master’s degree coursework.
- This does not include KBDI orientation, class days, or curriculum/coursework homework and personal learning time.
- The expected length of this track is 20 months. Interns have a maximum of 30 months to complete this option.
- If an intern must extend the time past 30 months, an additional $1,000 per month will be due to the internship.
Dietetic intern performance reviews will be completed and discussed with the dietetic intern before completing each rotation site. Appointments for discussion of the reviews are the responsibility of the dietetic intern.
Completed evaluations forms are to be saved to the interns online file.
A formal evaluation of the dietetic intern’s performance and progress will be provided at the following times:
- Mid-point through clinical rotation
- End of clinical rotation
- Mid-point through management rotation
- End of management rotation
- Mid-point of community rotation
- End of community rotation
- Mid-point through each business rotation (> 4 weeks in length)
- End of each business rotation
- End of enrichment rotation
Preceptors will score the intern against professional behaviors, CRDN’s, assignments, and other site-specific measures. If the schedule allows, the internship assistant director will attend the end of the rotation evaluations.
The program director and assistant director evaluate interns and provide feedback during orientation. Ongoing assessment and evaluations are done during our monthly class-days and through our class-day assignments and quizzes. The program assistant director is responsible for providing feedback regarding the certain projects assigned by the program for each rotation. The program director and assistant director are responsible for providing guidance on business plans and will evaluate intern’s site and final business plans.
If an intern receives an overall unsatisfactory performance rating on any assignment, the intern must contact the KBDI program faculty and redo the assignment. If an intern has unsatisfactory performance ratings on multiple assignments during a rotation, the assistant director will have a conference with both the preceptor and the intern. A remediation plan including tutorial support if needed will be devised. After remediation, the intern may repeat the rotation, but it may need to be at a different site. If the intern is still unable to perform satisfactorily, the program may dismiss the intern. An intern will only be allowed to repeat one rotation (MNT, foodservice, community or business and entrepreneurship) one time. A student who fails two entire rotations will be dismissed from the program.
We will use Auto Proctor software to verify the identity of interns during our class day quizzes and exams. Test-takers are monitored by the Auto Proctor AI platform, flagging suspicious behaviors such as lighting changes, unusual noises and looking off screen consistently, which are reviewed by Auto Proctor professionals.
Upon successful completion of 100% of didactic coursework, business plans, supervised practice hours and a graduate degree, the Program Director will provide the graduates with the required registration eligibility paperwork. The Verification Statement cannot be awarded until an official transcript is received showing that a Graduate Degree has been conferred.
The Program Director will provide each graduate with a digital copy of the verification statement within four weeks of completing all internship requirements. An original copy is saved in the graduate’s file. The verification statement confirms that the graduate has completed all work in a satisfactory manner and is necessary for eligibility to take the Registration Examination. Upon successful completion of all didactic coursework and supervised practice hours and assignments, interns will also receive a Dietetic Internship Certificate signed by the Internship Staff.
After completing the dietetic internship, graduates will be competent to function as entry level dietitians and must pass the national registration examination for dietitians within a certain time period as specified by a new employer and obtain state licensure (if applicable).
In an instance when you suffer from an accidental injury or illness you will follow the policies of your site and adhere to the following protocol. The affiliating site will provide to you the same emergency medical care that would be done for employees. Payment for treatment of illness and injury are the full responsibility of the intern. KBDI does not provide emergency medical care or standard medical health services for interns. It is the intern’s full responsibility to obtain medical health services. In the instance of an illness or injury:
- Complete the KBDI Incident and/or Accident Report Policy
- Complete the site Incident and/or Accident Report Policy, and have your preceptor sign off on this document. Provide a copy of this document to KBDI staff within 48 hours of the incident.
- You must schedule time to make up the missed days at times that are convenient to your preceptor. You must have scheduled your make up days within 5 business days of the illness or injury.
- If an intern is not performing to specified standards, the preceptor will contact the KBDI Assistant Director and discuss the problem.
- The preceptor and/or Assistant Director will notify the intern of the areas requiring improvement. If necessary, the Assistant Director will meet with the intern and the preceptor.
- A written, specific performance action plan will be established by the preceptor, the Internship Assistant Director, and the intern to assure that the intern is able to attain the program competencies. The written action plan will be placed in the intern’s file and signed by the intern.
- The intern will execute the plan and meet with the preceptor as specified in the plan, to discuss the intern’s progress. The intern will communicate as specified in the plan with the Assistant Director during this time and discuss progress.
- It is expected that the length of the rotation, as outlined in the plan, may be extended for the intern who is not achieving program competencies.
- If, after completing the plan, the intern still does not meet the required competencies, the internship Director and Assistant Director will meet with the intern and appropriate rotation preceptors to discuss the feasibility of the intern continuing in the program.
- If it is determined that competencies cannot be met by an intern, the intern will be notified that his/her participation in the program is terminated.
- The intern will have the opportunity to appeal the decision following the program Grievance Procedure.
During our orientation, class-days and built into our curriculum we will educate our interns on the diverse roles a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist can hold. We will also teach our interns how they can create their own path. However, we realize that plans change and if an Intern in the KBDI realizes that becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist is not the path they would like to pursue or finish the KBDI program the following steps will be taking:
- The intern will write a letter, safe it as a PDF and email to the KBDI Director and Assistant Director, about why they do not want to continue in the KBDI and/or become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.
- The KBDI Faculty will review your letter within 10 business days. Please note, you may be emailed or called to provide more information. If you do not respond to the call or email the review will be delayed.
- The Assistant Director and Director will schedule a call with the intern for counseling and to determine if there is something that can be done differently to change the interns’ mind. Together, we will create an action plan that will work for the intern.
- The intern will sign off on the plan.
- This plan will be shared with the KBDI Board.
- Based on the action plan timing, the Assistant Director and/or Director will schedule a follow-up call with the intern to discuss how the plan is going and how the intern is feeling.
- If the action plan has been successfully and the intern does want to finish the program and become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, the intern, Assistant Director and Director will co-sign a statement of acceptance.
- If the plan is unsuccessful and the intern does not want to finish the program and/or become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist the intern will write a letter stating this, sign, save as a PDF and email to the KBDI faculty.
- The KBDI Faculty will review your letter within 10 business days and co-sign the document.
- Please see the Intern Contract for internship refund procedures.
- Outcomes will be shared with the KBDI Board.
Supervised practice hours will take place in professional work settings, simulation, case studies and role playing. Interns will track their rotation hours through the site forms and have their site preceptor sign-off on. KBDI faculty will confirm hours.
An intern having a grievance regarding sexual harassment or assault, equal opportunity, curriculum, or an unresolved conflict with another intern, preceptor, or staff member should notify the Grievance Committee by submitting the Grievance Report Form. The grievance will be processed in accordance with the applicable procedure.
If you have experienced an assault, sexual assault, or violence the most important thing you can do is get to a safe place. If you believe you or anyone else is in immediate danger, call 911 as soon as possible. Please seek help from local law enforcement agencies. Once you are safe, contact someone you trust to be with you for support. This could be a friend or family member. The Julie Valentine Center has confidential advocates available through a 24-hour crisis line at 864-467-3633.
Our Grievance Committee Consists of:
- The KBDI Executive Board Members
- The KBDI Director
- The KBDI Assistant Director
- Preceptor (s)
If you have experienced another type of grievance please follow the next steps:
- Complete the KBDI Grievance Report Form.
- Email a copy to members of the Grievance Committee. Please access the contact information here. You must email your form to at least 2 members on the Grievance Committee; this can be from the Executive Board Members, the Director and/or Assistant Director, and/or the Preceptor who is part of the Committee.
- The Committee will review your grievance within 10 business days. Please note, you may be emailed or called to provide more information. If you do not respond to the call or email the review will be delayed.
- The Committee will schedule a call with you to advise on next steps and create an action plan to address.
- You will sign off on the plan.
- This plan will be shared with our entire Board.
- Based on the action plan timing, a representative from the Grievance Committee will schedule a follow-up call with the intern to ensure the grievance is being addressed and rectified.
- When the grievance has successfully been addressed the intern and Director and/or Executive Board Member will co-sign a statement of acceptance.
- If the grievance has not been successfully addressed we will move to the second action plan.
- At this point, our Non-Executive Advisory Board will be called to join the call to discuss the second action plan.
- You will sign off on the second plan.
- Based on the second action plan timing, the Grievance Committee will schedule a follow-up call with the intern to ensure the grievance is being addressed and rectified.
- Outcomes will be shared with all KBDI faculty and staff.
A grievance may be filed at any time. However, KBDI strongly encourages interns to file grievances promptly. A delay in filing a grievance may limit the KBDI’s ability to investigate, as well as to address discrimination and its effects.
KBDI will treat all information submitted in connection with a grievance as confidential.
From time to time, interns or preceptors may wish to express concerns about Dietetic Internship policies or personnel, which do not fit into the curriculum or discrimination grievance policies. If this is the case, interns or preceptors should use the following procedure.
- Make a reasonable attempt to discuss the issue openly and in the spirit of trust with the party against whom the grievance or complaint is being held.
The informal, verbal grievance or complaint should be initiated within ten (10) business days of the event. - If the informal discussion is not productive, the intern should bring the problem to the attention of the preceptor at that location and/or the Dietetic Internship Director and/or the Assistant Director using the Grievance Report Form. The appropriate staff person will provide a written response to the grievance or complaint within 5 business days.
The formal, written grievance/complaint should be initiated within five (5) business days of unsatisfactory completion of the informal verbal process. - The formal, written grievance and complaint process will proceed is as follows:
- The intern completes the Dietetic Intern Grievance Report.
- The appropriate internship staff member will then forward a copy of the completed Grievance Report Form to the Grievance Committee. A conference call will be scheduled within ten (10) business days to discuss the grievance or complaint.
- The following individuals are members of the Grievance Committee:
- Internship Director
- Internship Assistant Director
- Preceptor(s)
- Executive Board of Directors
- The Grievance Committee will decide regarding the grievance or complaint with a majority approval. The decision made by the Grievance Committee is final.
Please note, the intern has the sole responsibility to pursue all steps of the grievance procedure. No intern will be reprimanded, harassed or punished for initiating a grievance or complaint. KBDI will treat all information submitted in connection with a grievance as confidential. KBDI will maintain all grievances and complaints for a minimum of 7 years.
Interns should follow the KBDI policies and procedures for processing grievances first. Interns may submit complaints related to Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) accreditation standards to ACEND only after all internal procedures have been exhausted.
ACEND has established a process for reviewing complaints against accredited programs in order to fulfill its public responsibility for assuring the quality and integrity of the educational programs that it accredits. Any individual, for example, intern, faculty, dietetics practitioner and/or member of the public may submit a complaint against any accredited program to ACEND. However, the ACEND board does not intervene on behalf of individuals or act as a court of appeal for individuals in matters of admissions, appointment, promotion or dismissal of faculty or students. It acts only upon a signed allegation that the program may not be in compliance with the Accreditation Standards or policies. The complaint must be signed by the complainant. Anonymous complaints are not considered.
A copy of the accreditation standards and ACEND’s policy and procedure for submission of complaints may be obtained HERE.
The KBDI is an unpaid internship program, and no financial compensation will be made to our interns by the KBDI. The KBDI will provide educational instruction to our interns throughout the program. KBDI interns will never be used to replace employees.
For complete information, please visit the US Department of Labor website: https://www.dol.gov/whd/flsa/
And for more information from the US Department of Labor on Unpaid Internships, please visit:
To assure that a leave of absence will not interfere with achievement of program goals and competencies the following steps must be followed:
- If an intern needs to take a leave an absence of longer than two weeks from participation in the program for medical or personal reasons, the intern will submit the request in writing to the Director of the DI for approval. The request will include the reason for the leave of absence, estimated time frame for the leave, and expected date of return to the program. Requests for a Leave of Absence for medical reasons must be accompanied by a note from a physician verifying the illness and expected length of the leave of absence. A note from a physician stating that the intern is ready to return to the internship is required before the intern can restart rotations.
- If the Leave of Absence will be for an extended period, the KBDI Director will determine which competencies still need to be met by the intern. Before the intern returns to the program, a plan will be established by the KBDI Faculty, the intern, and, if appropriate, the preceptor so that the intern can attain all program competencies. The intern and KBDI Director will sign the plan.
- It is understood that all competencies of the program must be met before the intern graduates from the program.
- Failure to complete program requirements within 150% (12 months) of the program length from of the start date will lead to termination. Exceptions to this will be made only under special circumstances and require the approval of the Director, Assistant Director and the Advisory Committee.
- If an intern returns to the program after 2 or more months away, the Director and Assistant Directors will determine which, if any, rotations will need to be repeated.
- If the intern is unable to return to the program after the agreed-upon period, the Director and Assistant Director will determine whether the leave of absence will be extended.
- No refund will be provided.
- If it is determined that the leave of absence will not be extended, the intern will be terminated from the program and will be notified in writing.
KBDI is committed to ensuring that all interns abide by our policies and procedures, and the rotation sites’ policies and procedures. If an intern is not acting in accordance with our policies and procedures, or the rotation sites’ policies and procedures disciplinary action may be taken. Our interns will be notified by KBDI faculty if any incident occurs. The first incident will result in a verbal and written warning regarding the severity of the incident and will be documented in the intern’s file. The second incident will result in a verbal and written warning, outlining the details of probation from the internship, and this will be documented in the intern’s file. The third incident will result in a written letter outlining the details of suspension from the internship and will be documented in the intern’s file. And the fourth incident will result in a written letter and expulsion from the program and will be documented in the intern’s file.
Any intern exhibiting a pattern of unprofessional and/or unethical behavior and is found unacceptable by the KBDI faculty or the intern’s preceptor will be addressed with the KBDI faculty (and potentially the preceptor) and receive a verbal warning, and a plan of action to address. If the intern continues to exhibit unprofessional and/or unethical behavior, this may result in disciplinary action with suspension and/or expulsion from the internship.
Any intern receiving an unsatisfactory rating from any supervised practice preceptor, which is substantiated by the KBDI faculty, will be required to complete additional rotation work/time, with the details outlined by KBDI.
KBDI is committed to ensuring that all members of the KBDI community have a learning and working environment that is free from sexual misconduct and sexual harassment. Sexual misconduct and sexual harassment are unlawful and are considered sexual discrimination under the Equal Opportunity in Education Act, commonly referred to as Title IX. Sexual misconduct and sexual harassment will not be tolerated. KBDI expects all members of its community to share in the responsibility for ensuring that the environment is free from any form of abuse, violence or verbal or physical intimidation.
KBDI promotes and encourages prompt reporting and timely adjudication of all sexual misconduct and sexual harassment. Retaliation in any form (e.g., intimidation, threats or harassment) against anyone who exercises his or her rights to make a complaint of sexual misconduct or sexual harassment, or any third party cooperating with the investigation of such an act is strictly prohibited by law. KBDI is committed to the health, safety, and well-being of all members of the community. Assistance is available twenty-four hours a day, 365 days of the year. If the sexual misconduct occurred during internship rotations or at an internship site, KBDI encourages you to contact the local police for that site by dialing “911”. KBDI will assist you in notifying these authorities if you request assistance.
If you have any questions regarding this Policy or Title IX generally, you may contact the Internship Director and/or Assistant Director.
KBDI Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity
The KBDI is fully committed to the principle of providing equality of treatment and opportunity to all persons in an environment which appreciates and respects the diversity of the community it serves, prohibits discrimination in educational services based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation, except where such a distinction is required by law.